The database includes original data from the Women in Water Utilities: Breaking Barriers report and new data collected since as part of efforts to close data gaps on female representation in water jobs. Data are presented as percentages in the average institution and are based on information collected from 221 institutions in 86 economies. This dataset contains global and regional averages for gender diversity, inclusive policies,and female-friendly work environment. Data collection is ongoing and open for water employers and water institutions - if you would like to contribute to this benchmarking exercise, please email
The study team distributed the survey to water and sanitation institutions through regional World Bank staff and Equal Aqua partners. This snowball sampling method has its known limitations: institutions self-select their participation in the survey, the sample is nonrandom, and the number of potential respondents was largely limited to those who work with the World Bank or Equal Aqua partners. Not all water institutions responded to all questions in the survey. Hence, the population size (N) varies depending on the number of water institutions that answered a specific question. Because of the limited, self-selected sample of service providers, the findings of the survey are not representative of all institutions. However, they represent the most comprehensive snapshot of gender issues in global water and sanitation institutions collected to date.
To help address the gender gap in jobs, the World Bank has set up Equal Aqua, a collaborative initiative inspired by the findings from the report, that brings together institutions, water institutions, donors and international organizations interested in promoting gender diversity and inclusion to help identify solutions, accelerate action, leverage partnerships and promote learning among participating organizations. 221 institutions and water institutions have already completed this survey. To join Equal Aqua or to contribute to this database, please reach out to