12 datasets found

Groups: Sustain Water Resources Openness: 0 Formats: HTML

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  • The Water and Sanitation Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean (OLAS)

    The Water and Sanitation Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean (OLAS) is a digital platform that collects relevant information on the water and sanitation sector in...
  • Water Observations from Space

    It is continental-wide service Water Observations from Space (WOfS) allows anyone to better understand water availability anywhere in Africa. It translates years of satellite...
  • South Asia Drought Monitoring System (SADMS)

    IDSI integrates multi-source remote sensing data from moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) and tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM), ESA Soil Moisture...
  • Pre SWOT Hydrology Global Lake/Reservoir Storage Time Series V2

    The Global Lake/Reservoir Storage Time Series is derived from the Surface Water Height Time Series and Surface Water Extent Mask Time Series products.
  • ERA5-Land Data

    This data set has information on temperature of water at the bottom of inland water bodies; thickness of ice on inland water bodies (lakes, reservoirs and rivers) and coastal...
  • GRIDMET DROUGHT: CONUS Drought Indices

    gridMET is a dataset of daily high-spatial resolution (~4-km, 1/24th degree) surface meteorological data covering the contiguous US from 1979-yesterday. We have also extended...
  • Global PDSI

    A global dataset of Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) and potential evporation (PE) at 1.0-degree, monthly resolution.
  • Global Runoff to the Oceans

    This archive contains estimates of runoff to the ocenas for all river outlets globally, excluding Greenland and Antarctica, based on routing through the simulated topological...
  • Global Meteorological Forcing Dataset for land surface modeling

    This dataset provides near-surface meteorological data for driving land surface models and other terrestrial modeling systems. It blends reanalysis data with observations and...
  • Climate Wizard

    Developed through collaboration between The Nature Conservancy, The University of Washington, and The University of Southern Mississippi, the Climate Wizard enables technical...
  • Water Risk Filter

    The Water Risk Filter is a practical online tool that helps companies and investors assess and respond to water-related risks facing their operations and investments across the...
  • Global Lakes and Wetlands Database

    The Global Lakes and Wetlands Database (GLWD) includes the best available data sources and GIS functionality for global lakes and wetlands focused on three scales (1) large...
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