3 Pillars
As the world’s largest multilateral source of financing for water in developing countries, the World Bank works closely with partners to achieve its vision of “A Water-Secure World for All" centered on three interrelated pillars:

Sustain Water Resources
Sustaining Water Resources means improving resource management at the river basin, country, and transboundary levels. Here you can find data on quantity and quality of surface and groundwater, water scarcity, and transboundary issues.

Deliver Services
Delivering Services refers to water supply and sanitation service delivery. Here you can find data on water utilities, irrigation, institutions and water supply and sanitation infrastructure.

Build Resilience
Building Resilience means adapting to weather and climate extremes, particularly in the face of climate change. Here you can find datasets related to resilient infrastructure like dams and seawalls and extreme climatic events like floods, storms, and droughts.