8 datasets found

Groups: Sustain Water Resources Countries: ECU Regions: Latin America and Caribbean

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  • Ecuador - World Health Survey 2003

    Different countries have different health outcomes that are in part due to the way respective health systems perform. Regardless of the type of health system, individuals will...
  • Ecuador - World Bank Group Country Survey 2018

    The Country Opinion Survey in Ecuador assists the World Bank Group (WBG) in gaining a better understanding of how stakeholders in Ecuador perceive the WBG. It provides the WBG...
  • Ecuador - VII Censo de Población y VI de Vivienda 2010 - IPUMS Subset

    IPUMS-International is an effort to inventory, preserve, harmonize, and disseminate census microdata from around the world. The project has collected the world's largest archive...
  • Ecuador - Global Financial Inclusion (Global Findex) Database 2011

    Well-functioning financial systems serve a vital purpose, offering savings, credit, payment, and risk management products to people with a wide range of needs. Yet until now...
  • Ecuador - Enterprise Survey 2017

    The survey was conducted in Ecuador between March and October of 2017 as part of Enterprise Surveys project, an initiative of the World Bank. Data from 361 establishments was...
  • Ecuador - Enterprise Survey 2010

    This research was conducted in Ecuador between June and October 2010 as part of the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Enterprise Survey 2010, an initiative of the World Bank....
  • Ecuador - Enterprise Survey 2006

    This research was conducted in Ecuador between January and December 2006 as part of the Latin America and the Caribbean Enterprise Survey 2006 initiative. 658 businesses were...
  • Ecuador - Enterprise Survey 2003-2006-2010-2017

    The documented dataset covers Enterprise Survey (ES) panel data collected in Ecuador in 2003, 2006, 2010 and 2017, as part of Latin America and the Caribbean Enterprise Surveys...
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