Denpasar (Indonesia) - Flood Risk Map (ESA EO4SD-Urban)
Risk is defined as a combination of probability and consequences. A detailed and uniform land-use map is an important prerequisite to perform flood risk calculations, since it... -
Denpasar (Indonesia) - Flood Hazard Map (ESA EO4SD-Urban)
For the Denpasar area short-term flooding close to rivers and waterways in the rainy season (November – March) is typical.The present Geodatabase includes two shp-files for... -
Denmark - Global Financial Inclusion (Global Findex) Database 2017
Financial inclusion is critical in reducing poverty and achieving inclusive economic growth. When people can participate in the financial system, they are better able to start... -
Denmark - Global Financial Inclusion (Global Findex) Database 2014
Financial inclusion is critical in reducing poverty and achieving inclusive economic growth. When people can participate in the financial system, they are better able to start... -
Democratic Republic Congo Major Rivers
This shapefile contains Democratic Republic Congo Major Rivers -
Democratic Republic Congo (COD) - Water Access Rate (2012)
Ths dataset is the result of a Kringing interpolation of the 123 Survey in 2012 of the water access rates in COD. -
Democratic Republic Congo (COD) - Transportation Prices (2016)
This dataset is the result of a geospatial model that simulates how individuals and traded goods are moved in COD, taking both roads and navigable rivers into account. The... -
Democratic Republic Congo (COD) - Hydropower Plants (2018)
The Hydropower Plants are split into 3 categories: Existing, SNEL operated Existing, privately operated Planned -
Democratic Republic Congo (COD) - Electricity Access Rate (2012)
This dataset is the result of a Kriging interpolation of the 123 Survey in 2012 of the water access rates in COD. -
Dakar (Senegal) - Flood Risk Map (ESA EO4SD-Urban)
Risk is defined as a combination of probability and consequences. A detailed and uniform land-use map is an important prerequisite to perform flood risk calculations, since it... -
Dakar (Senegal) - Flood Hazard Map (ESA EO4SD-Urban)
For the urban and peri-urban area of Dakar, two main flood scenarios have to be considered: a. Fluvial floods b. Floods triggered by rainfall stagnation after heavy local... -
Dakar (Senegal) - Flood Extent Maps 2009-2018 (ESA EO4SD-Urban)
For the urban and peri-urban area of Dakar, two main flood scenarios have to be considered: a. Fluvial floods... -
Czech Republic - World Health Survey 2003
Different countries have different health outcomes that are in part due to the way respective health systems perform. Regardless of the type of health system, individuals will... -
Czech Republic - Enterprise Survey 2013
This survey was conducted in Czech Republic between January 2013 and April 2014 as part of the fifth round of the Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey (BEEPS... -
Czech Republic - Enterprise Survey 2009
The objective of the survey is to obtain feedback from enterprises in client countries on the state of the private sector as well as to help in building a panel of enterprise... -
Czech Republic - Enterprise Survey 2002
This research was conducted in Czech Republic from June 19 to July 31, 2002, as part of the second round of the Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey. The... -
Cyprus - Global Financial Inclusion (Global Findex) Database 2017
Financial inclusion is critical in reducing poverty and achieving inclusive economic growth. When people can participate in the financial system, they are better able to start... -
Cyprus - Global Financial Inclusion (Global Findex) Database 2014
Financial inclusion is critical in reducing poverty and achieving inclusive economic growth. When people can participate in the financial system, they are better able to start... -
Cyprus - Enterprise Survey 2019
The survey was conducted in Republic of Cyprus between December 2018 and June 2019 as joint project of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European... -
CURB: Climate Action for Urban Sustainability
CURB is a climate action planning tool developed by the World Bank in partnership with C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, Global Covenant of Mayors, and AECOM Consulting that...