4 datasets found

Organizations: World Bank Data Catalog Formats: tif Countries: IDN

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  • Indonesia tsunami hazard

    Probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment for Indonesia, cnducted by Geoscience Australia the first nationally consistent probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment (PTHA) for...
  • Indonesia tsunami hazard

    Original PTHA datasets are from GeoScience Australia. Probabilistic tsunami hazard assessments (PTHA) are analogous to probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) which is...
  • Indonesia river flood hazard

    Fluvial flood inundation layers for Indonesia, from an adapted version of the GLOFRIS global flood model. Flood inundation maps were provided for 8 return periods between 5yr...
  • Indonesia coastal flood hazard

    Coastal flood inundation layers for Indonesia. The inundation estimates were computed using a GIS-based planar approach, which uses extreme water levels from the DIVA model and...
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