Malawi - Malaria Indicator Survey 2014
The 2014 MIS used a standard set of instruments and protocol developed by RBM Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group (MERG). These tools are largely based on the collective... -
Malawi - Malaria Indicator Survey 2012
This report presents the findings of the 2012 Malawi Malaria Indicator Survey (2012 MMIS) conducted by the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) of the Ministry of Health... -
Malawi - Integrated Household Panel Survey 2010-2013 (Short-Term Panel, 204 EAs)
The Integrated Household Survey (IHS) is one of the primary instruments implemented by the Government of Malawi through the National Statistical Office (NSO; www.nso.malawi.net)... -
Malawi - Integrated Household Panel Survey 2010-2013-2016 (Long-Term Panel, 1...
The 2016 Integrated Household Panel Survey (IHPS) was launched in April 2016 as part of the Malawi Fourth Integrated Household Survey fieldwork operation. The IHPS 2016 targeted... -
Malawi - Integrated Household Living Conditions Survey 2010-2011 ; Subset for...
This dataset contains a set of data files used as input for a World Bank research project (empirical comparative assessment of machine learning algorithms applied to poverty... -
Malawi - Fourth Integrated Household Survey 2016-2017
The Integrated Household Survey is one of the primary instruments implemented by the Government of Malawi through the National Statistical Office (NSO) roughly every 5 years to... -
Malawi - Enterprise Survey 2014
The survey was conducted in Malawi between April 2014 and February 2015 as part of Enterprise Surveys roll-out, an initiative of the World Bank. The objective of the survey is... -
Malawi - Enterprise Survey 2009-2014
The documented dataset covers Enterprise Survey (ES) panel data collected in Malawi in 2009 and 2014, as part of Africa Enterprise Surveys roll-out, an initiative of the World... -
Malawi - Enterprise Survey 2009
This research is an Indicator Survey conducted in Malawi from May 12 to July 20, 2009, as part of the Enterprise Survey initiative. An Indicator Survey, which is similar to an... -
Malawi - Demographic and Health Survey 2010
The 2010 Malawi Demographic and Health Survey (2010 MDHS) presents the major findings of a large, nationally representative sample survey conducted by the National Statistical... -
Malawi - Demographic and Health Survey 2004
The 2004 Malawi Demographic and Health Survey (MDHS) is a nationally representative survey of 11,698 women age 1549 and 3,261 men age 15-54. The main purpose of the 2004 MDHS... -
Malawi - Demographic and Health Survey 2000
The 2000 Malawi Demographic and Health Survey (MDHS) is a nationally representative sample survey covering 14,213 households, 13,220 women age 15-49, and 3,092 men age 15-54.... -
Malawi - Demographic and Health Survey 1992
The 1992 Malawi Demographic and Health Survey (MDHS) was a nationally representative sample survey designed to provide information on levels and trends in fertility, early... -
Madagascar - World Bank Group Country Survey 2017
The Country Opinion Survey in Madagascar assists the World Bank Group (WBG) in gaining a better understanding of how stakeholders in Madagascar perceive the WBG. It provides the... -
Madagascar - World Bank Group Country Survey 2014
The World Bank Group is interested in gauging the views of clients and partners who are either involved in development in Madagascar or who observe activities related to social... -
Madagascar river flood hazard
The goal of the South West Indian Ocean Risk Assessment and Financing Initiative (SWIO RAFI) is to improve the resiliency and capacity of the island states through the creation... -
Madagascar - Micro-Enterprise Survey 2009
This research of businesses with one to four employees was conducted in Madagascar from Sept. 15, 2008 to Feb. 13, 2009, at the same time with 2009 Madagascar Enterprise Survey.... -
Madagascar - Measuring Urban Living Standards in Antananarivo 2016
The objective of the Antananarivo Urban Poverty and Resilience Study is to identify policy actions that have a high potential to improve the quality of life and increase the... -
Madagascar - Informal Survey 2009
This research is a survey of unregistered businesses conducted in Madagascar between September 2008 and February 2009 at the same time with Madagascar 2009 Enterprise Survey.... -
Madagascar - Enterprise Survey 2013
The survey was conducted in Madagascar between November 2013 and May 2014 through "Madagascar: Integrated Growth Poles Project." The objective of the survey is to obtain...