Angola - Inquérito de Indicadores Múltiplos e de Saúde 2015-16
O objectivo principal do Inquérito de Indicadores Múltiplos e de Saúde (IIMS) 2015-2016 é fornecer estimativas actualizadas de indicadores demográficos e de saúde básicos. Mais... -
Angola - Informal Survey 2010
This research is a survey of unregistered businesses conducted in Angola between June and November 2010, at the same time with Angola 2010 Enterprise Survey. Data from 119... -
Angola - Enterprise Survey 2010
The survey was conducted in Angola between June and November 2010 as part of the Africa Enterprise Survey 2010, an initiative of the World Bank. Data from 360 establishments... -
Angola - Enterprise Survey 2006
The survey was conducted in Angola between May and August 2006. Data from 425 establishments were analyzed. The Enterprise Surveys are applied to a representative sample of... -
Algeria - World Bank Group Country Survey 2017
The Country Opinion Survey in Algeria assists the World Bank Group (WBG) in gaining a better understanding of how stakeholders in Algeria perceive the WBG. It provides the WBG... -
Algeria - Enquête par Grappes à Indicateurs Multiples 2012-2013
L’enquête MICS4 Algérie, réalisée en 2012-2013, par le Ministère de la Santé, de la Population et de la Réforme Hospitalière, avec l’appui technique et financier de l’UNICEF et... -
Albania - World Bank Group Country Survey 2017
The Country Opinion Survey in Albania assists the World Bank Group (WBG) in gaining a better understanding of how stakeholders in Albania perceive the WBG. It provides the WBG... -
Albania - World Bank Group Country Survey 2014
The World Bank Group is interested in gauging the views of clients and partners who are either involved in development in Albania or who observe activities related to social and... -
Albania - World Bank Country Survey 2012
The World Bank is interested in gauging the views of clients and partners who are either involved in development in Albania or who observe activities related to social and... -
Albania - STEP Skills Measurement Employer Survey 2017 (Wave 4)
The STEP (Skills Toward Employment and Productivity) Measurement program is the first ever initiative to generate internationally comparable data on skills available in... -
Albania - Reproductive Health Survey 2002
The reproductive health survey of Albania has provided baseline data for new developments in recent years in this field, developments which have affected lifestyle, legislation,... -
Albania - Living Standards Measurement Survey 2012
The Living Standards Measurement Survey (LSMS) is a multi-purpose household survey conducted to measure living conditions and poverty situation, and to help policymakers in... -
Albania - Living Standards Measurement Survey 2008
The Living Standards Measurement Survey (LSMS) is a multi-purpose household survey conducted to measure living conditions and poverty situation, and to help policymakers in... -
Albania - Living Standards Measurement Survey 2005
Over the past decade, Albania has been seeking to develop the framework for a market economy and more open society. It has faced severe internal and external challenges in the... -
Albania - Living Standards Measurement Survey 2004 (Wave 3 Panel)
Over the past decade, Albania has been undergoing a transition toward a market economy and a more open society. It has faced severe internal and external challenges, such as... -
Albania - Living Standards Measurement Survey 2002 (Wave 1 Panel)
Over the past decade, Albania has been seeking to develop the framework for a market economy and more open society. It has faced severe internal and external challenges in the... -
Albania - Enterprise Survey 2019
The survey was conducted in Albania between January and May 2019 as joint project of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European Investment Bank... -
Albania - Enterprise Survey 2013
This research was conducted in Albania between March 2013 and July 2013, as part of the fifth round of the Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey (BEEPS V), a... -
Albania - Enterprise Survey 2009
The objective of the survey is to obtain feedback from enterprises in client countries on the state of the private sector as well as to help in building a panel of enterprise...