Climate Change Knowledge Portal: Ensemble Projections
“Ensemble” temperature and precipitation data are derived from multiple global circulation models (GCMs). The ensemble data depict the range (10th percentile, median and 90th... -
Bahrain - Electricity Transmission Network
Main nodes and major lines of the electricity transmission network of Bahrain. Interconnection lines with neighboring countries included. The properties for nodes are "name" and... -
Algeria - Electricity Transmission Network
Main nodes and major lines of the electricity transmission network of Algeria. Interconnection lines with neighboring countries included. The properties for nodes are "name" and... -
Albania - Hydropower Dams
Data collected and prepared for a project of the World Bank Group Privatization of the Power Distribution System Operator (OSSH) Partial Risk Guarantee in Albania. This data is... -
Africa - Water Bodies
This dataset shows water bodies in Africa including lakes, reservoir, and lagoon. Data is curated from RCMRD Geoportal at... -
Afghanistan - Small-scale Hydropower Potential
The dataset provides potential sites for the deployment of smaller scale hydropower (1-10 MW) in Afghanistan. The analysis is based on a methodology developed at KTH dESA in 2016. -
Afghanistan - Perennial Rivers
Dataset of perennial rivers in Afghanistan. Data modified accordingly so as to yield the river network with Strahler order higher or equal than 3.