World Perennial Water Courses
This shapefile contains polylines that represent all the perennial water courses in the world. -
World - Passport Cost Data 2005
Data on the cost of a passport in the country of issue was collected by the World Bank in October 2005. The principal form of collection was through faxes, emails and telephone... -
World Maps of the Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification
Two different maps of the Köppen-Geiger climate classification: World map of the Köppen-Geiger climate classification observed using CRU TS 2.1 temperature and GPCC Full v4... -
World - KNOMAD-ILO Migration Costs Surveys 2016
The Migration Cost Surveys (MCS) project is a joint initiative of the Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD) and the International Labor Organization... -
World - Investing in Infrastructure 1960-2000
Fay and Yepes estimate demand for infrastructure services over the first decade of the new millennium based on a model that relates demand for infrastructure with the structural... -
World - Intensification of Storm Surges 2008
This research was carried out by the World Bank in 2008. Financial support for this research was provided by the Research Department of the World Bank, and the Economics of... -
World Integrated Trade Solution UN COMTRADE
Access UN COMTRADE including exports, re-exports and re-imports in Harmonized System (HS) and Standard Industrial Trade Classification (SITC). Convert into derived nomenclatures... -
World - Governance Matters IV: Governance Indicators 1996-2004
Dataset used for Aart C. Kraay et al. "Governance Matters IV: Governance Indicators for 1996-2004". The paper presents the latest update of the aggregate governance indicators,... -
World - Global Investment Competitiveness Survey 2017
The Global Investment Competitiveness Survey (GIC Survey) offers practical evidence to help policy makers design policies and prioritize reforms that investors value. It... -
World - Global Financial Inclusion (Global Findex) Database 2011
Well-functioning financial systems serve a vital purpose, offering savings, credit, payment, and risk management products to people with a wide range of needs. Yet until now... -
WITS Global Preferential Trade Agreement Database
The Global Preferential Trade Agreements Database (GPTAD) provides information on preferential trade agreements (PTAs) around the world, including agreements that have not been... -
West Bank and Gaza - World Bank Group Country Survey 2017
The Country Opinion Survey in West Bank and Gaza assists the World Bank Group (WBG) in gaining a better understanding of how stakeholders in West Bank and Gaza perceive the WBG.... -
West Bank and Gaza - World Bank Country Survey 2013
The World Bank is interested in gauging the views of clients and partners who are either involved in development in West Bank and Gaza or who observe activities related to... -
West Bank and Gaza - Palestinian Population Housing and Establishment Census ...
IPUMS-International is an effort to inventory, preserve, harmonize, and disseminate census microdata from around the world. The project has collected the world's largest archive... -
West Bank and Gaza - Palestinian Population Housing and Establishment Census ...
IPUMS-International is an effort to inventory, preserve, harmonize, and disseminate census microdata from around the world. The project has collected the world's largest archive... -
West Bank and Gaza - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014
The Palestinian Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (PMICS) was carried out in 2014 by Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics in collaboration with Ministry of Health, as part... -
West Bank and Gaza - Global Financial Inclusion (Global Findex) Database 2011
Well-functioning financial systems serve a vital purpose, offering savings, credit, payment, and risk management products to people with a wide range of needs. Yet until now... -
West Bank and Gaza - Family Survey 2010
The Palestinian Family Survey (MICS) was carried out in 2010 by the Palestinians Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS), with UNICEF’s and UNPA’s financial and technical support.... -
West Bank and Gaza - Enterprise Survey 2019
The survey was conducted in West Bank and Gaza between January and May 2019 as joint project of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European... -
West Bank and Gaza - Enterprise Survey 2013
This survey was conducted in the West Bank and Gaza between June and September 2013 as part of the Enterprise Survey project, an initiative of the World Bank. The objective of...