147 datasets found

Sources: World Bank Data Catalog Regions: Middle East and North Africa

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  • Global tsunami hazard

    The input tsunami hazard data are based on the global hazard analysis of Davies et al. (2017), developed jointly by Geoscience Australia and NGI, formatted for use in...
  • Global river flood hazard

    Riverine flood hazard: The GAR 15 global flood hazard assessment uses a probabilistic approach for modelling riverine flood major river basins around the globe. The main steps...
  • Global river flood hazard

    Fluvial flood inundation layers from the GLOFRIS global flood model. Flood inundation maps were provided for 8 return periods between 5yr and 1000yr. The unit of the data is...
  • Global landslide hazard

    This dataset combines two GAR13 rasters to produce an estimate of the annual frequency of landslides triggered by precipitation and earthquakes. The original datasets depend on...
  • Global landslide hazard

    Global Landslide Hazard Distribution is a 2.5 minute grid of global landslide and snow avalanche hazards based upon work of the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI). The...
  • Global landslide hazard

    The global Landslide Hazard Assessment for Situational Awareness (LHASA) model is developed to provide situational awareness of landslide hazards for a wide range of users....
  • Global drought hazard

    Water scarcity conditions are expressed in this study by means of the Water Crowding Index (WCI), i.e. the annual water availability per capita (Falkenmark, 1986; 2013). Due to...
  • Global drought hazard

    In this study we used daily run-off fields (0.5º x 0.5º) from the global hydrological model PCR-GLOBWB to calculate yearly water availability (van Beek et al., 2011; Wada et...
  • Global drought hazard

    Water scarcity conditions are expressed in this study by means of the Water Crowding Index (WCI), i.e. the annual water availability per capita (Falkenmark, 1986; 2013). Due to...
  • Global cyclone hazard

    Tropical Cyclonic Wind and Storm Surge hazard The tropical cyclonic strong wind and storm surge model use information from 2594 historical tropical cyclones, topography, terrain...
  • Global coastal flood hazard

    The tropical cyclonic strong wind and storm surge model use information from 2594 historical tropical cyclones, topography, terrain roughness, and bathymetry. The historical...
  • Global coastal flood hazard

    Muis et al Coastal Flood datasets These datasets present the first global reanalysis of storm surges and extreme sea levels (GTSR data set) based on hydrodynamic modelling. GTSR...
  • Fallujah (Iraq) - Open and green areas (extended) (ESA EO4SD-Urban)

    The products over Fallujah (Iraq) contain spatial explicit information about position of open and green areas (extended) as of 2002 and 2017 as identified by interpretation of...
  • Fallujah (Iraq) - Land Use/Land Cover (ESA EO4SD-Urban)

    Land Use / Land Cover (LULC) information product over Fallujah (Iraq) contains spatial explicit information about the different land covers / uses for current (2017) and past...
  • Egypt, Arab Rep. - Population Housing and Establishments Census 2006 - IPUMS ...

    IPUMS-International is an effort to inventory, preserve, harmonize, and disseminate census microdata from around the world. The project has collected the world's largest archive...
  • Egypt, Arab Rep. - Population Housing and Establishment Census 1996 - IPUMS S...

    IPUMS-International is an effort to inventory, preserve, harmonize, and disseminate census microdata from around the world. The project has collected the world's largest archive...
  • Egypt, Arab Rep. - World Bank Group Country Survey 2016

    The Country Opinion Survey in Egypt assists the World Bank Group (WBG) in gaining a better understanding of how stakeholders in Egypt perceive the WBG. It provides the WBG with...
  • Egypt, Arab Rep. - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2013-2014

    The Egypt sub-national Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) was carried out in 2013-14 by El-Zanaty & Associates in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and...
  • Egypt, Arab Rep. - Microentrepeneurs and Access to Finance in Menya 2011

    The household, firm, and financial institution surveys conducted in Menya were part of an impact evaluation of an intervention that never took place. The original intervention...
  • Egypt, Arab Rep. - Macroinsurance for Microenterprises: A Randomized Experime...

    Firms in many developing countries cite macroeconomic instability and political uncertainty as major constraints to their growth. Economic theory suggests uncertainty can cause...