International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre
The Global Groundwater Information System (GGIS) is an interactive, web-based portal to groundwater-related information and knowledge. The GGIS consists of several modules... -
Global - Biological Oxygen Demand in Surface Water
Globally gridded dataset of biological oxygen demand (BOD) in surface water for the years 1992-2010, monthly observations. Data is available at the 0.5x0.5 degree gridcell... -
Global - Electrical Conductivity in Surface Water
Globally gridded dataset of electrical conductivity in surface water for the years 1992-2010, monthly observations. Data is available at the 0.5x0.5 degree gridcell level. Units... -
Open Data For Resilience (OpenDRI)
Open Data for Resilience Initiative (OpenDRI) applies the concepts of the global open data movement to the challenges of reducing vulnerability to natural hazards and the... -
Vanuatu - Recognised Seasonal Employer Program Impact Evaluation 2007-2010
Seasonal migration programs are widely used around the world, yet there is little evidence as to their development impacts. A multi-year prospective evaluation of New Zealand's... -
Vanuatu - HDM-4 Analysis of the Efate Ring Road and the Santo East Coast Road...
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) provided funds for the upgrade of two roads in Vanuatu. These were the Efate Ring Road and the Santo East Coast Road. Both these roads... -
Vanuatu - Enterprise Survey 2009
This research is an Indicator Survey conducted in Vanuatu from June 2 to Oct. 5, 2009, as part of the Enterprise Survey initiative. An Indicator Survey, which is similar to an... -
The AQUASTAT portal enables users to access the core database of country statistics, focused on water resources, water uses and agricultural water management. Along with it,...