The Afghanistan Enterprise Survey 2008 was a nationwide survey to gather information and opinions about the business environment in the country. The survey covered over 1000 businesses. The objective of the Enterprise Survey was to generate establishment-level quantitative and qualitative information that will help evaluate the performance of business enterprises and identify constraints to doing business. The survey was designed to provide indicators of Afghanistan's investment climate and business performance that can be used to identify reform priorities to track changes over time. The standard Enterprise Survey topics include firm characteristics, gender participation, access to finance, annual sales, costs of inputs/labor, workforce composition, bribery, licensing, infrastructure, trade, crime, competition, capacity utilization, land and permits, taxation, informality, business-government relations, innovation and technology, and performance measures. Over 90% of the questions objectively ascertain characteristics of a country's business environment. The remaining questions assess the survey respondents' opinions on what are the obstacles to firm growth and performance. The mode of data collection is face-to-face interviews.