The 2006 Azerbaijan Demographic and Health Survey (2006 AzDHS) is a nationally representative sample survey designed to provide information on population and health issues in Azerbaijan. The primary goal of the survey was to develop a single integrated set of demographic and health data pertaining to the population of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The 2006 AzDHS was conducted from July to November by the State Statistical Committee (SSC) of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Macro International Inc. provided technical support for the survey through the MEASURE DHS project. USAID Caucasus, Azerbaijan provided funding for the survey through the MEASURE DHS project. MEASURE DHS is sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to assist countries worldwide in obtaining information on key population and health indicators. The UNICEF/Azerbaijan country office was instrumental for political mobilization during the early stages of the 2006 AzDHS negotiation with the Government of Azerbaijan and also supported the survey through in-kind contributions. The 2006 AzDHS collected national- and regional-level data on fertility and contraceptive use, maternal and child health, adult health, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. The survey obtained detailed information on these issues from women of reproductive age and, on certain topics, from men as well. The 2006 AzDHS results are intended to provide the information needed to evaluate existing social programs and to design new strategies for improving the health of Azerbaijanis and health services for the people of Azerbaijan. The 2006 AzDHS also contributes to the growing international database on demographic and health-related variables.