Egypt, Arab Rep. - Demographic and Health Survey 1992

The 1992 Egypt Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS) is the most recent in a series of surveys carded out in Egypt to provide information on fertility and child mortality levels, family planning awareness, approval and use and basic indicators of maternal and child health. The EDHS findings are important in monitoring trends in these variables and in understanding the factors which contribute to differentials in fertility and contraceptive use among various population subgroups. The EDHS also provides a wealth of health-related information for mothers and their children. These data are especially important for understanding the factors that influence the health and survival of infants and young children. In addition to providing insights into population and health issues in Egypt, the EDHS also hopefully will lead to an improved global understanding of population and health problems as it is one of more than 50 surveys implemented through the Demographic and Health Surveys program. The primary objective of the EDHS is to provide data on fertility and mortality, family planning and maternal and child health. The survey obtained detailed information on these issues from a sample of ever-married women in the reproductive ages. In addition, a subsample of husbands was interviewed in an effort to obtain information on their fertility preferences and the role which they play in family planning decision making. The EDHS information is intended to assist policymakers and administrators to evaluate existing programs and to design new strategies for improving family planning and health services in Egypt. A secondary objective is to enhance the capabilities of institutions in Egypt to collect process and analyze population and health data so as to facilitate the implementation of future surveys of this type.

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Author National Population Council (NPC)
Last Updated May 21, 2020, 11:40 (UTC)
Created March 16, 2020, 14:13 (UTC)
Release Year 2012-08-08 14:53:42