The Ghana Living Standards Survey (GLSS) is a nationwide survey carried out by the Government of Ghana (Ghana Statistical Service) with the support of the World Bank (Social Dimensions of Adjustment Project Unit). The objective of the survey is to provide data to the government for measuring the living standards of the population and the progress made in raising them. The survey data will permit a more effective formulation and implementation of policies designed to improve the welfare of the population. The GLSS was launched in September 1987 and is currently planned to be undertaken over a five-year period. The five interval ensures that a steady stream of data becomes available to monitor the impact of the Government's Economic Recovery Program, including the Program of Actions to Mitigate the Social Costs of Adjustment (PAMSCAD). GLSS provides data on various aspects of the Ghanaian household economic and social activities and the interactions between these activities. Data are collected at three levels: the individual level, the household level and community level. The household questionnaire was administered to 1525 households over a six month period from september 1987 to march 1988.