Indonesia - Household Socio-Economic Survey, BPS 2008

In 2005, BPS do the Social Economic Colletion (PSE05), which aims to get the data in the form of micro poverty households directory that deserves a direct cash assistance (BLT) in 2005-2006. Given the data turns PSE05 considered better results compared to a database available in local government. Nevertheless, it is recognized that the data from PSE05 not perfect. The study of 56 universities found the data from PSE05 still contains 8 percent and 22.36 percent error inclusion exclusion error (Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare 2005). In addition to BLT program, data PSE05 also used in targeting households on several national programs, such as the Health Insurance of the Poor (HIP) and cheap rice program for the poor (Raskin). These programs succeeded in reducing poverty levels, poor households proved as much 17.8 percent in 2006 down to 15.4 percent in 2008. But be aware that the collection PSE05 an activity that is great for BPS, BPS so many other activities are pending at this time. After PSE05 activities, in 2007 the BPS also conducted the data collection for the household conditional direct cash assistance program (Family Hope Program / PKH) in 2007. The collection of data to support this program called Basic Health Care Survey and Education 2007 (SPDKP07). Results from SPDKP07 considered much better than the data from PSE05 because only less inclusion and exclusion errors of his. This is because SPDKP07 implemented only in 953 districts / cities were selected and a much larger budget.

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Last Updated May 21, 2020, 11:50 (UTC)
Created March 16, 2020, 13:53 (UTC)
Release Year 2013-12-26 10:41:40