The 2000 Iraq Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) is a nationally representative survey of households, women, and children. The main objectives of the survey are: To provide up-to-date information for assessing the situation of children and women in Iraq at the end of the decade and for looking forward to the next decade; To furnish data needed for monitoring progress toward goals established in 1990 at the World Summit for Children and as a basis for future action; To contribute to the improvement of data and monitoring systems in Iraq and to strengthen technical expertise in the design, implementation, and analysis of such systems. MICS 2000 provides a large set of detailed results, thus acquiring special significance in displaying the situation of women and children in Iraq under the sanctions imposed on the country. This report, the second in the MICS series, includes 40 tables. These tables provide a profile of the main characteristics of the sample's households, women and children and cover indicators on education, nutritional, water and sanitation, immunization, vitamin supplements, child health and morbidity, as well as indicators on family planning, antenatal health and child labour. The survey provides data on the abovementioned indictors disaggregated by rural/urban and sex, as well as by a certain number of other key characteristics, such as number of household members, child age and mother’s/women's educational background.