Kenya - Demographic and Health Survey 1988-1989

The Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS) was conducted between December 1988 and May 1989 to collect data regarding fertility, family planning and maternal and child health. The survey covered 7,150 women aged 15-49 and a subsample of 1,116 husbands of these women, selected from a sample covering 95 percent of the population. The purpose of the survey was to provide planners and policymakers with data useful in making informed programme decisions. OBJECTIVES On March 1, 1988, 'on behalf of the Government of Kenya, the National Council for Population and Development (NCPD) signed an agreement with the Institute for Resource Development (IRD) to carry out the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS). The KDHS is intended to serve as a source of population and health data for policymakers and for the research community. In general, the objectives of the KDHS are to: assess the overall demographic situation in Kenya, assist in the evaluation of the population and health programmes in Kenya, advance survey methodology, and assist the NCPD strengthen and improve its technical skills to conduct demographic and health surveys. The KDHS was specifically designed to: provide data on the family planning and fertility behaviour of the Kcnyan population to enable the NCPD to evaluate and enhance the National Family Planning Programme, measure changes in fertility and contraceptive prevalence and at the same time study the factors which affect these changes, such as marriage patterns, urban/rural residence, availability of contraception, breastfeeding habits and other socioeconomic factors, and examine the basic indicators of maternal and child health in Kenya. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS The survey data can also be used to evaluate Kenya's efforts to reduce fertility and the picture that emerges shows significant strides have been made toward this goal. KDHS data provide the first evidence of a major decline in fertility. If young women continue to have children at current rates, they will have an average of 6.7 births in their lifetime. This is down considerably from the average of 7.5 births for women now at the end of their childbearing years. The fertility rate in 1984 was estimated at 7.7 births per woman. A major cause of the decline in fertility is increased use of family pIanning. Twenty-seven percent of married women in Kenya are currcntly using a contraceptive method, compared to 17 percent in 1984. Although periodic abstinence continues to he the most common method (8 percent), of interest to programme planners is the fact that two-thirds of marricd women using contraception have chosen a modern methodeither the pill (5 percent) or female sterilisation (5 percent). Contraccptive use varies by province, with those closest to Nairobi having the highest levels. Further evidence of the success in promoting family planning is the fact that more than 90 percent of married women know at least one modern method of contraception (and where to obtain it), and 45 percent have used a contraceptive method at some time in their life. The survey indicates a high level of knowledge, use and approval of family planning by husbands of interviewed women. Ninety-three percent of husbands know a modern method of family planning. Sixty-five percent of husbands have used a method at some time and almost 49 percent are currently using a method, half of which are modern methods. Husbands in Kenya are strongly supportive of family planning. Ninety-one percent of those surveyed approve of family planning use by couples, compared to 88 percent of married women. If couples are able to realise their childbearing preferences, fertility may continue to decline in the future. One half of married women say that they want no more children; another 26 percent want to wait at least two years before having another child. Husbands report similar views on limiting birthsone-half say they want no more children. The desire to limit childbearing appears to be greater in Kenya than in other subSaharan countries. In Botswana and Zimbabwe, for example, only 33 percent of married women want no more children. Another indicator of possible future decline in fertility in Kenya is the decrease in ideal family size. According to the KDHS, the mean ideal family size declined from 5.8 in 1984 to 4.4 in 1989. The KDHS indicates that in the area of health, government programmes have been effective in providing health services for womcn and children. Eight in ten births benefit from ante-natal care from a doctor, nurse, or midwife and one-half of births are assisted at delivery by a doctor, nurse, or midwife. At least 44 percent of children 12-23 months of age are fully immunised against the major childhood diseases, Almost all children benefit from an extended period of breastfeeding. The average duration of breastfeeding is 19 months and the practice does not appear to be waning among either younger women or urban women. Another encouraging piece of information is the high level of ORT (oral rehydration therapy) use for treating childhood diarrhoea. Among children under five reported to have had an episode of diarrhoea in the two weeks before the survey, half were treated with a homemade solution and almost one-quarter were given a solution prepared from commercially prepared packets. The survey indicates several areas where there is room for improvement. Although young women are marrying later, many are still having births at young ages. More than 20 percent of teen-age girls have had at least one child and 7 percent were pregnant at the time of the survey. There is also evidence of an unmet need for family planning services. Of the births occurring in the 12 months before the survey, over half were either mistimed or unwanted; one fifth occurred less than 24 months after a previous birth.

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Last Updated May 21, 2020, 11:54 (UTC)
Created March 16, 2020, 14:10 (UTC)
Release Year 2012-08-08 14:35:33