Liberia - Health Systems Strengthening Project Impact Evaluation 2015

The Liberia Health Systems Strengthening Project Impact Evaluation aims to assess the impact of Performance Based Financing (PBF) activities at target hospitals. This second (post-Ebola) baseline data collection exercise was preceded by a pre-Ebola data collection exercise in 2013. The data collection comprised 33 separate instruments, which were designed to measure the presence of health workers, their skills, capacity to perform, performance, and motivation. In addition, the infrastructure and supplies of each facility were also assessed. All baseline survey instruments were used in an earlier baseline data collection exercise carried out by the project in the 2013, and have been reviewed since by the PIs in consultation with the clinical Ministry of Health (MOH) in order to verify their medical accuracy and local appropriateness. The instruments were revised accordingly prior to the training of the enumerators MOH.

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Author Kenneth Leonard (University of Maryland); University of Maryland, Luke Bawo; Liberia Ministry of Health, Rianna Mohammed-Roberts; World Bank
Last Updated May 21, 2020, 11:58 (UTC)
Created March 16, 2020, 11:57 (UTC)
Release Year 2020-01-13 14:09:58