Madagascar had low school enrollment rates: only 60% of the urban children and 12% of the rural children completed primary school (World Bank, 2002). To improve the enrollment and completion rates as well as the quality of education, Madagascar government had substantially increased investments in the education sector. It committed itself to the Education For All (EFA) initiative and started to fully subsidize the tuition fees through the so-called "caisse ecole," and to provide school kits for all students in public primary schools. The Government also raised the districts' budgets for school material and started distributing free textbooks to schools. This study investigated the different resource flows in the financing of the public primary education sector in Madagascar. The survey was conducted in two rounds. The first round was carried out in October-November 2006 and the second round in April-May 2007. The study was implemented using stratified random sampling. Data from more than 200 schools in 28 districts was analyzed. Public Expenditure Tracking Survey among Madagascar health care facilities and workers was conducted at the same time with PETS in Education.