Malawi - Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices in Health Survey 1996

The primary objectives of the MKAPH were to provide information on malaria prevention, family planning, immunization, management of childhood illnesses, marriage and partner relations, and STDs including AIDS. Specifically, the objectives were as follows: Collect information on methods used to prevent malaria infection. Establish current contraceptive prevalence. Gather from caretakers of children under age five information on vaccination coverage and the prevalence of diarrhoea, respiratory infection, and fevers among under-five children during the two weeks preceding the survey. Collect information on current and past partner relations in and outside of marriage among women aged 15-49 and men 15-54. Collect information on knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding AIDS and STDs among women aged 15-49 and men aged 15-54. In fulfilling these objectives, the MKAPH findings provide data for monitoring current programmes of the Ministry of Health and Population and for planning future public health activities. Additionally, the immunization and contraceptive prevalence sections of the MKAPH contain information which can be compared with the 1992 Malawi Demographic and Health Survey (MDHS) to provide updated estimates of the extent of immunization and contraceptive usage.

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Author National Statistical Office (NSO) Government of Malawi
Last Updated May 21, 2020, 12:01 (UTC)
Created March 16, 2020, 13:22 (UTC)
Release Year 2012-03-23 14:55:16