The Montenegro Roma Settlements Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS-RS) were carried out in 2013 by the Statistical Office of Montenegro (MONSTAT). Financial and technical support was provided by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and UN Montenegro. MICS is an international household survey programme developed by UNICEF. The 2013 Montenegro Roma Settlements MICS was conducted as part of the fifth global round of MICS surveys (MICS5). MICS provides up-to-date information on the situation of children and women and measures key indicators that allow countries to monitor progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), EU integration and other internationally agreed upon commitments. Montenegro participated in the third global round of MICS surveys (MICS3) in 2005, at that time as part of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro. In the fifth round of the MICS surveys (MICS5), scheduled for 2012-2014, Montenegro participated for the first time as a sovereign state. The survey provides a rich foundation of comparative data for comprehensive reporting on progress towards national MDGs targets and EU integration. The 2013 Montenegro MICS survey captures rapid changes in key indicators between this and the previous round of the survey especially regarding the situation of the most vulnerable children children in the poorest households, Roma children or those living in rural areas and in that way contributes to expanding the evidence base for policies and programmes. The sample for the 2013 Montenegro Roma Settlements MICS was designed to provide estimates of a large number of indicators on the situation of children, women and men in the Roma settlements of Montenegro, at the level of Montenegro. The findings pertain to March-May 2013, when the fieldwork was conducted.