The Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) is a primary source of information on women and children as it provides statistical indicators that are critical for the measurement of human development. It is an international household survey programme developed by United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The MICS is designed to collect statistically sound and internationally comparable estimates of key indicators that are used to assess the situation of children and women in the areas of health, education, child protection and HIV/AIDS. It can also be used as a data collection tool to generate data for monitoring the progress towards national goals and global commitments which aimed at promoting the welfare of children and women such as MDGs and SDGs. OBJECTIVES The primary objectives of Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) Nigeria 2016-17 are: To provide up-to-date information for assessing the situation of children and women in Nigeria; To generate data for the critical assessment of the progress made in various programme areas, and to identify areas that require more attention; To contribute to the generation of baseline data for the SDG; To furnish data needed for monitoring progress toward goals established in the post Millennium Declaration and other internationally agreed goals, as a basis for future action; To provide disaggregated data to identify disparities among various groups to enable evidence based actions aimed at social inclusion of the most vulnerable.