The Senegal Stormwater Management and Climate Change Adaptation Impact Evaluation, Baseline Survey (SMCCAIE-BL) 2014 was collected for DIME’s impact evaluation on community engagement mechanisms in the preservation of public spaces and drainage infrastructures. It is carried out in the context of the World Bank-assisted Stormwater Management and Climate Change Adaptation Project (PROGEP), which is implemented by the Dakar Municipal Development Agency (ADM) in Senegal. It will inform strategies through which PROGEP and similar projects can achieve their community engagement objectives, which are vital to the sustainability and return on these investments. Furthermore, it will contribute to our understanding of community directed development (CDD) interventions in urban settings. Data collected through the IE, including at baseline, will improve our understanding of populations living in PROGEP areas and inform the better targeting of project activities and other investments in these and similar settings.