Serbia and Montenegro - Living Standards Measurement Survey 2002 (General Population, Wave 1 Panel) and Family Income Support Survey 2002

The study included four separate surveys: 1. The LSMS survey of general population of Serbia in 2002 2. The survey of Family Income Support (MOP in Serbian) recipients in 2002 These two datasets are published together. 3. The LSMS survey of general population of Serbia in 2003 (panel survey) 4. The survey of Roma from Roma settlements in 2003 These two datasets are published together separately from the 2002 datasets. Objectives LSMS represents multi-topical study of household living standard and is based on international experience in designing and conducting this type of research. The basic survey was carried out in 2002 on a representative sample of households in Serbia (without Kosovo and Metohija). Its goal was to establish a poverty profile according to the comprehensive data on welfare of households and to identify vulnerable groups. Also its aim was to assess the targeting of safety net programs by collecting detailed information from individuals on participation in specific government social programs. This study was used as the basic document in developing Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) in Serbia which was adopted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia in October 2003. The survey was repeated in 2003 on a panel sample (the households which participated in 2002 survey were re-interviewed). Analysis of the take-up and profile of the population in 2003 was the first step towards formulating the system of monitoring in the Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS). The survey was conducted in accordance with the same methodological principles used in 2002 survey, with necessary changes referring only to the content of certain modules and the reduction in sample size. The aim of the repeated survey was to obtain panel data to enable monitoring of the change in the living standard within a period of one year, thus indicating whether there had been a decrease or increase in poverty in Serbia in the course of 2003. [Note: Panel data are the data obtained on the sample of households which participated in the both surveys. These data made possible tracking of living standard of the same persons in the period of one year.] Along with these two comprehensive surveys, conducted on national and regional representative samples which were to give a picture of the general population, there were also two surveys with particular emphasis on vulnerable groups. In 2002, it was the survey of living standard of Family Income Support recipients with an aim to validate this state supported program of social welfare. In 2003 the survey of Roma from Roma settlements was conducted. Since all present experiences indicated that this was one of the most vulnerable groups on the territory of Serbia and Montenegro, but with no ample research of poverty of Roma population made, the aim of the survey was to compare poverty of this group with poverty of basic population and to establish which categories of Roma population were at the greatest risk of poverty in 2003. However, it is necessary to stress that the LSMS of the Roma population comprised potentially most imperilled Roma, while the Roma integrated in the main population were not included in this study.

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Author Ministry of Social Affairs; Strategic Marketing & Media Research Institute Group (SMMRI)
Last Updated May 21, 2020, 12:17 (UTC)
Created March 16, 2020, 13:23 (UTC)
Release Year 2014-09-04 14:15:06