The Serbia Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) is a household survey programme conducted in 2010 by UNICEF and the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (SORS). The survey provides valuable information on the situation of children, women and men in Serbia, and was based, in large part, on the needs to monitor progress towards goals and targets emanating from recent international agreements: the Millennium Declaration, and the Plan of Action of A World Fit For Children. Both of these commitments build upon promises made by the international community at the 1990 World Summit for Children. The fourth round of the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey represents a large source of data for reporting on progress towards the aforementioned goals. The survey provides a rich foundation of comparative data for comprehensive progress reporting, especially regarding the situation of the most vulnerable children (children in the poorest households, Roma children or those living in rural areas). It also provides important information for the new UNICEF Country Programme 2011-2015 as well as the UNDAF 2011-2015. This final report presents the results of the indicators and topics covered in the survey. Datasets documented here cover Roma Settlements sample representative of the population living in Roma settlements in Serbia. A total of 1,815 Roma households were selected: 1,311 households with children and 504 households without children. A stratified, two-stage random sampling approach was used for the selection of the survey sample.