Tajikistan Jobs, Skills, and Migration Survey 2013 is one of three identical household surveys conducted in Central Asia in 2013 by the World Bank in collaboration with German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ). Kyrgyz Republic and Uzbekistan were the other countries. The purpose of the survey was to collect data on employment, migration, cognitive and non-cognitive skills as well as consumption. Conducted from July to September 2013, the survey collected comprehensive information not typically captured by traditional household surveys. It included two distinct instruments: a core questionnaire and a skills questionnaire. The core questionnaire covered such topics as education, employment, migration, health expenditure, remittances, government transfers, financial services, subjective poverty, housing conditions, and household expenditures. The skills questionnaire contained detailed modules on labor and work expectations, migration and preparation for migration, language skills, and technical skill training. The non-cognitive test modules of the skills questionnaire were based on World Bank Skills Toward Employment and Productivity (STEP) surveys. The sample size of the core questionnaire was 6,300 households with a total of 35,770 individuals. Given that either one or two individuals per household were randomly selected to participate in the skills questionnaire, this sample consisted of 7,929 individuals.