Tanzania - Mafia Island Airport 2012

The evaluation design and subsequent data gathering activities will address the following key research questions: a) Has the Mafia Island Airport Upgrade Project contributed to easier, more efficient, and safer access to Mafia Island? b) Has the Mafia Island Airport Upgrade project contributed to an increase in (i) tourism and/or (ii) business travel? c) Has the Mafia Island Airport Upgrade project contributed to an increase in visitor spending on the island? d) Has the Mafia Island Airport Upgrade project contributed to an increase in economic and investment activities on the island? (Hotel, wildlife refuge, food industry, etc.) These are the thematic areas or critical issues for the evaluation. Linkage with the Project Logic will be as follows: Outcome indicators in the Project Logic will be addressed in evaluation question (b) above. Objective indicators in the Project Logic will be addressed in evaluation questions (c) and (d) above. The Compact Goal indicator will be part of the evaluation indicators of the project. The Consultant will also measure the Compact Goal using ownership of assets and food poverty as proxy of poverty indicators at micro level because they are used by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) in Household Budget Survey and Tanzania Poverty Monitoring Framework.

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Author Abel Busalama
Last Updated May 21, 2020, 12:28 (UTC)
Created March 16, 2020, 13:38 (UTC)
Release Year 2015-06-08 14:18:52