The Negotiating Reproductive Outcomes (NRO) study was conducted in two districts in UgandaMasaka and Lira. It was implemented jointly by the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) program of Macro International Inc. and the Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics (ISAE) at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda. The study has two components, a focus group study and a survey of women and men. The survey population includes 1,750 women age 20-44 and 1,356 of their male partners, whether formally married or living together. The survey data are representative of the two districts and were designed to enable estimates to be made for urban and rural areas separately within each district. The study has three primary objectives: To examine how reproductive decisions and their outcomes are negotiated within sexual unions; To determine which characteristics of the individual, household, and community influence the negotiation process; and To investigate how the position of women influences their ability to negotiate the outcomes they desire.