10 datasets found

Groups: Sustain Water Resources Sources: World Bank Data Catalog Countries: CMR

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  • Cameroon - World Bank Group Country Survey 2016

    The Country Opinion Survey in Cameroon assists the World Bank Group (WBG) in gaining a better understanding of how stakeholders in Cameroon perceive the WBG. It provides the WBG...
  • Cameroon - World Bank Country Survey 2013

    The World Bank is interested in gauging the views of clients and partners who are either involved in development in Cameroon or who observe activities related to social and...
  • Cameroon - Micro-Enterprise Survey 2009

    This research of registered businesses with one to four employees was conducted in Cameroon from June 1 to Oct. 15, 2009, at the same time with 2009 Cameroon Enterprise Survey....
  • Cameroon - Informal Survey 2009

    This research is a survey of unregistered businesses conducted in Cameroon between June and October 2009, at the same time with Cameroon 2009 Enterprise Survey. 122 informal...
  • Cameroon - Enterprise Survey 2016

    The survey was conducted in Cameroon between July November 2016 as part of Enterprise Surveys project, an initiative of the World Bank. The objective of the survey is to obtain...
  • Cameroon - Enterprise Survey 2009

    The study was conducted in Cameroon from June 1 to Oct. 15, 2009, as part of the Enterprise Survey, an initiative of the World Bank. The objective of the survey is to obtain...
  • Cameroon - Enterprise Survey 2006

    The survey was conducted in Cameroon in 2006. Data from 172 establishments were analyzed. The Enterprise Surveys are applied to a representative sample of firms in the...
  • Cameroon - Enquête Démographique et de Santé et à Indicateurs Multiples 2011

    L’EDS-MICS 2011 du Cameroun, réalisée sur un échantillon représentatif de ménages, de femmes de 15-49 ans et d’hommes de 15-59 ans, vise à atteindre un certain nombre...
  • Cameroon - Enquête Démographique et de Santé 2004

    L'Enquête Démographique et de Santé au Cameroun (EDSC-III) est la troisième du genre. Elle est une enquête par sondage, représentative au niveau national. Commanditée par le...
  • Cameroon - Enquête Démographique et de Santé 1998

    L'Enquête Démographique et de Santé au Cameroun (EDSC-II) a été exécutée par le Bureau Centraldes Recensements et Études de Population (BUCREP), avec l'assistance technique de...