14 datasets found

Groups: Build Resilience Licenses: Creative Commons Attribution

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  • International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre

    The Global Groundwater Information System (GGIS) is an interactive, web-based portal to groundwater-related information and knowledge. The GGIS consists of several modules...
  • Aqueduct Global Maps 3.0 Data

    Aqueduct 3.0 introduces an updated water risk framework and new and improved indicators. It also features different hydrological sub-basins. We introduce indicators based on a...
  • SDG 6 (Water) Data - API for Data Export

    Through the API, you can export data on all indicators contained within the SDG 6 Data Portal.
  • Water Security Dashboard

    Selection of 104 water security related indicators, with visualisation tools to plot up to 4 variables simultaneously. Graphs can be direct linked, and data sets can be...
  • Baseline Water Stress

    This dataset measures relative water demand. Higher values indicate more competition among users.
  • Our World In Data

    This database collates 3552 development indicators from different studies with data by country and year, including single year and multiple year time series. The data is...
  • Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources Groundwater Data

    This database contains mapped data of groundwater data and projects carried out by the Institute. Most data is for Germany, but there is are also global data and data for Jordan...
  • UNESCWA Data Portal

    Range of environment and water indicators for Western Asia Countries. Data presented online and can be exported as PDF or XLS. The data runs 5 yearly from 1975 and annually from...
  • Orange-Senqu Water Information System

    A range of data for the Orange-Senqu basin, including narrative and numerical data covering rainfall, evaporation, radiation, soil type, groundwater recharge, yield, groundwater...
  • Global geOreferenced Database of Dams (GOOD)

    This is a global database of dams developed by digitising visible dams in Google Earth and naming them. The database has been developed as part of the pantropical hydrology...
  • Spatial Agent Central Asia Water and Energy Data

    45 data sources of hydrological/hydromet, water quality, water resource, environmental, agro-environmental and development indicators. Datasets include: Achieving National...
  • Spatial Agent Hydroinformatics

    A collection of mapped water, disaster, climate, environment, and water-related social and economic indicators, from various sources, including: Lake Levels, Standardized...
  • Interactive Water Dashboard

    Interactive Water dashboard from the Climate Change Knowledge Portal
  • Aqueduct Tool

    Aqueduct’s tools map water risks such as floods, droughts, and stress, using open-source, peer reviewed data. Beyond the tools, the Aqueduct team works one-on-one with...