International Water Management Institute (IWMI)

IWMI is a research-for-development (R4D) organization, with offices in 13 countries and a global network of scientists operating in more than 30 countries. For over three decades, our research results have led to changes in water management that have contributed to social and economic development.

IWMI’s Vision reflected in its Strategy 2019-2023, is ‘a water-secure world’. IWMI targets water and land management challenges faced by poor communities in developing countries, and through this contributes towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of reducing poverty and hunger and maintaining a sustainable environment.

  • South Asia Drought Monitoring System (SADMS)

    IDSI integrates multi-source remote sensing data from moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) and tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM), ESA Soil Moisture...
  • Global Irrigated Area Mapping (GIAM)

    This site presents results of IWMI's first attempt to map global irrigated and rainfed croplands for the nominal year of 2000 using satellite images. The products include 10 km...
  • Global Irrigated Area Mapping (GIAM)

    This site presents results of IWMI's first attempt to map global irrigated and rainfed croplands for the nominal year of 2000 using satellite images. The products include 10 km...
  • Global Irrigated Area Mapping (GIAM)

    This site presents results of IWMI's first attempt to map global irrigated and rainfed croplands for the nominal year of 2000 using satellite images. The products include 10 km...
  • IWMI Water Data Portal

    The Water Data Portal (WDP), following ""one-stop shop"" approach, provides access to a large amount of data related to water and agriculture. WDP contains meteorological,...