13 datasets found

Groups: Sustain Water Resources Organizations: World Bank Data Catalog Countries: SSD

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  • Global - Nitrate-nitrite in Surface Water

    Globally gridded dataset of nitrate-nitrite in surface water for the years 1992-2010, monthly observations. Data is available at the 0.5x0.5 degree gridcell level. Units are...
  • Global - Biological Oxygen Demand in Surface Water

    Globally gridded dataset of biological oxygen demand (BOD) in surface water for the years 1992-2010, monthly observations. Data is available at the 0.5x0.5 degree gridcell...
  • Global - Electrical Conductivity in Surface Water

    Globally gridded dataset of electrical conductivity in surface water for the years 1992-2010, monthly observations. Data is available at the 0.5x0.5 degree gridcell level. Units...
  • South Sudan - World Bank Country Survey 2013

    The World Bank is interested in gauging the views of clients and partners who are either involved in development in South Sudan or who observe activities related to social and...
  • South Sudan - Household Health Survey 2010

    The second South Sudan Household Health Survey (SHHS 2) was conducted in 2010 by the Ministry of Health and National Bureau of Statistics. The primary objectives of the second...
  • South Sudan - High Frequency Survey 2017

    Between May and August 2017, World Bank in collaboration with South Sudan’s National Bureau of Statistics, funded by DfID, conducted the fourth wave of the High Frequency South...
  • South Sudan - High Frequency Survey 2016

    Between September 2016 and March 2017, World Bank in collaboration with South Sudan’s National Bureau of Statistics, funded by DfID, conducted the third wave of the High...
  • South Sudan - High Frequency Survey 2016

    Between February and June 2016, World Bank in collaboration with South Sudan’s National Bureau of Statistics, funded by DfID, conducted the second wave of the High Frequency...
  • South Sudan - High Frequency Survey 2015

    Between February and September 2015, World Bank in collaboration with South Sudan’s National Bureau of Statistics, funded by DfID, conducted the first wave of the High Frequency...
  • South Sudan - High Frequency Survey 2012-2014

    The High Frequency South Sudan Survey (HFS) was conducted by the World Bank between August 2012 and September 2014. The HFS collected a panel data set to monitor the welfare and...
  • South Sudan - Enterprise Survey 2014

    In 2011 the World Bank in collaboration with the Department for International Development (DFID), launched the follow-up survey to the standard World Bank Enterprise Survey (ES)...
  • South Sudan - Enterprise Survey 2014

    The survey was conducted in South Sudan between July 2014 and December 2014 as part of Enterprise Surveys roll-out, an initiative of the World Bank. The objective of the survey...
  • East Africa coastal flood hazard

    This dataset has been clipped from the GAR15 storm surge model by GFDRR for inclusion into ThinkHazard! The tropical cyclonic strong wind and storm surge model use information...
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