Blue Tech: Innovative Technologies for Blue Economy
This innovative interactive e-book is to provide a quick introduction to how Technology and Innovation are being applied in the Blue Economy. An interactive e-book is more than... -
Water Security Dashboard
Selection of 104 water security related indicators, with visualisation tools to plot up to 4 variables simultaneously. Graphs can be direct linked, and data sets can be... -
Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI) Project Database - Water Sector
The Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI) Project Database has data on over 6,400 infrastructure projects in 137 low- and middle-income countries. The database is the... -
Covid-19 Response Haiti - mWater Data Console
The purpose of this page is to follow the state and offers washes hands of identified and installed in response to the epidemic Covid 19. L'objectif de cette page est de suivre... -
Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals - SDG #6, Clean Water and Sanitation -...
"An interactive data-story narrative and infographic on progress on the targets for SDG #6 Clean Water and Sanitation, focusing on water, sanitation, and hygiene: essential for... -
Earth Observations of Water Resources E-Book
This e-book is a quick primer on earth observation of water resources and has been developed jointly by the World Bank and NASA. It provides a basic introduction to hydrologic... -
Spatial Agent Central Asia Water and Energy Data
45 data sources of hydrological/hydromet, water quality, water resource, environmental, agro-environmental and development indicators. Datasets include: Achieving National... -
Spatial Agent Hydroinformatics
A collection of mapped water, disaster, climate, environment, and water-related social and economic indicators, from various sources, including: Lake Levels, Standardized...