South Africa - General Household Survey 2013
The GHS is an annual household survey specifically designed to measure the living circumstances of South African households. The GHS collects data on education, health and... -
South Africa - General Household Survey 2011
The GHS is an annual household survey, specifically designed to measure various aspects of the living circumstances of South African households. The key findings reported here... -
South Africa - General Household Survey 2010
The GHS is an annual household survey, specifically designed to measure various aspects of the living circumstances of South African households. The key findings reported here... -
South Africa - General Household Survey 2009
The GHS is an annual household survey, specifically designed to measure various aspects of the living circumstances of South African households. The key findings reported here... -
South Africa - General Household Survey 2008
The GHS is an annual household survey, specifically designed to measure various aspects of the living circumstances of South African households. The key findings reported here... -
South Africa - General Household Survey 2007
The GHS is an annual household survey, specifically designed to measure various aspects of the living circumstances of South African households. The key findings reported here... -
South Africa - General Household Survey 2006
The GHS is an annual household survey, specifically designed to measure various aspects of the living circumstances of South African households. The key findings reported here... -
South Africa - General Household Survey 2005
The GHS is an annual household survey, specifically designed to measure various aspects of the living circumstances of South African households. The key findings reported here... -
South Africa - General Household Survey 2004
The GHS is an annual household survey, specifically designed to measure various aspects of the living circumstances of South African households. The key findings reported here... -
South Africa - General Household Survey 2003
Stats SA conducted the October Household Survey (OHS) annually from 1994 to 1999, based on a probability sample of a large number of households ranging from 16 000 to 30 000... -
South Africa - General Household Survey 2002
The main purpose of the GHS is to measure the level of development and performance of various government programmes and projects in South Africa. The data provides national... -
South Africa - Gauteng City-Region Observatory Quality of Life Survey 2011
The Gauteng-City Region Observatory (GCRO) commissioned Data World to conduct its Second Quality of Life Survey, with surveys being conducted in second half of 2011. The Gauteng... -
South Africa - Gauteng City-Region Observatory Quality of Life Survey 2009
The Gauteng City-Region Observatory (GCRO) (based at the University of Johannesburg (UJ)) in partnership with the Gauteng Provincial Government contracted Development Research... -
South Africa - Free State HIV/AIDS Household Impact Study 2001-2004
South Africa Free State HIV/AIDS Household Impact Study 2001-2004 -
South Africa - Financial Diaries Project 2003-2004
South African policymakers are endeavouring to ensure that the poor have better access to financial services. However, a lack of understanding of the financial needs of poor... -
South Africa - Enterprise Survey 2007
The South Africa Enterprise Survey was conducted between January and December 2007. Data from 1057 establishments in private manufacturing and services sectors were analyzed.... -
South Africa - Early Learning Outcomes Measure 2016
This dataset consists of early learning development data collected using the Early Learning Outcomes Measure (ELOM) assessment tool. The ELOM was developed on behalf of... -
South Africa - Durban Large Firm Survey 2002-2003
The Durban Large Firm Survey is the result of an agreement between the Durban Unicity Council and USAID in 2000 to fund a World Bank technically-supported survey of firms in the... -
South Africa - Domestic Tourism Survey 2016
Statistics South Africa collects data on foreign tourism from the South African Department of Home Affairs. Data on domestic tourism is also needed to measure its contribution... -
South Africa - Domestic Tourism Survey 2015
Statistics South Africa collects data on foreign tourism from the South African Department of Home Affairs. Data on domestic tourism is also needed to measure its contribution...