Mwanza (Tanzania) - Urban Green Areas Map (ESA EO4SD-Urban)
The Urban Green Area information product contains spatial explicit information on green areas located within the Urban Extent (derived from LU/LC product) of the city. Green... -
Multihazard Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles
Global multihazard total economic loss risk deciles, v1 (01/01/2000) displays multihazard total economic loss risks. The purpose is to identify areas of the world that are at... -
Multihazard Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles
Global multihazard proportional economic loss risk deciles, v1 (01/01/2000) displays multihazard economic loss as proportions of gross domestic product (gdp). The purpose is to... -
Multihazard Mortality Risks and Distribution
Global multihazard mortality risks and distribution, v1 (01/01/2000) displays multihazard mortality loss estimates. The purpose is to identify areas of the world at multihazard... -
Mtwara (Tanzania) - Urban Green Area Classification (ESA EO4SD-Urban)
The Urban Green Area information product contains spatial explicit information on green areas located within the Urban Extent (derived from LULC product) of the city. Green... -
Mozambique - World Bank Group Country Survey 2018
The Country Opinion Survey in Mozambique assists the World Bank Group (WBG) in gaining a better understanding of how stakeholders in Mozambique perceive the WBG. It provides the... -
Mozambique - World Bank Group Country Survey 2014
The World Bank Group is interested in gauging the views of clients and partners who are either involved in development in Mozambique or who observe activities related to social... -
Mozambique - Service Delivery Indicators Education Survey 2014 - Harmonized P...
The Service Delivery Indicators (SDI) are a set of health and education indicators that examine the effort and ability of staff and the availability of key inputs and resources... -
Mozambique - Scaled-up Early Childhood Development Activities in Rural Mozamb...
As part of the Education Sector Support Project in Mozambique (P125127), an initial credit of 40 million dollars has been provided by the World Bank to the Republic of... -
Mozambique - Rural Water Supply 2011-2013
This report provides the results from (1) an impact evaluation of the MCA's Rural Water Point Implementation Program ('RWPIP') in Nampula and (2) an evaluation of the SSSS in... -
Mozambique - People's Security Survey 2005-2006
Insecurity is partly objective, partly subjective. To develop a strategy for reducing socio economic insecurity, it is necessary to consider both objective and subjective... -
Mozambique - Micro-Enterprise Survey 2018
The survey was conducted in Mozambique between July 2018 and January 2019 by the World Bank Group (WBG). In addition to the standard ES that covers formal private sector firms... -
Mozambique - Inquérito Nacional sobre Indicadores de Malária 2018
O Inquérito sobre Indicadores de Malária (IIM 2018) é um inquérito de base populacional, com representatividade a nível nacional, urbano e rural concebido de acordo com as... -
Mozambique - Inquérito Demográfico e de Saúde 2011
Em Moçambique os Inquéritos Demográficos e de Saúde (IDS), têm assumido uma importância cada vez mais crescente por se constituírem numa das fontes mais fidedignas de informação... -
Mozambique - Inquérito Demográfico e de Saúde 2003
O segundo Inquérito Demográfico e de Saúde (IDS 2003) fui realizado pelo Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE) e pelo Ministério da Saúde (MISAU) com apoio técnico da Macro... -
Mozambique - Inquérito Demográfico e de Saúde 1997
O Inquérito Demográfico e de Saúde (IDS) fui realizado pelo Instituto Nacional de Estatística e pelo Ministério da Saúde com apóio técnico da Macro International Inc. O IDS 1997... -
Mozambique - Inquérito de Indicadores de Imunização, Malária e HIV/SIDA 2015
O principal objectivo do IMASIDA 2015 é fornecer estimativas actualizadas de indicadores demográficos e de saúde. Especificamente, o IMASIDA recolheu informações sobre... -
Mozambique - Informal Business Sector Survey 2018
The 2018 Mozambique Informal Sector Business Survey (ISBS) data was collected by the World Bank Group Enterprise Analysis Unit. The survey covers three cities, Beira, Maputo and... -
Mozambique - II Recenseamiento Geral da População e Habitação 1997 - IPUMS Su...
IPUMS-International is an effort to inventory, preserve, harmonize, and disseminate census microdata from around the world. The project has collected the world's largest archive... -
Mozambique - III Recenseamiento Geral da População e Habitação 2007 - IPUMS S...
IPUMS-International is an effort to inventory, preserve, harmonize, and disseminate census microdata from around the world. The project has collected the world's largest archive...