36 datasets found

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  • GRACE Tellus (Gravity Recovery & Climate Experiment)

    The GRACE twin satellites, launched 17 March 2002, are making detailed measurements of Earth's gravity field changes and revolutionizing investigations about Earth's water...
  • Protecting Water Atlas

    The Protecting Water Atlas allows users to explore data and analyses that underpin The Nature Conservancy's global-scale reports, Beyond the Source: The Environmental, Economic...
  • African Great Lakes Atlas

    This Story Map focuses on seven of Africa’s Great Lakes: Albert, Edward, Kivu, Malawi/Nyasa/Niassa, Tanganyika, Victoria, and Turkana. Key biophysical and socioeconomic...
  • Climate Explorer

    The KNMI Climate Explorer is a web application to analysis climate data statistically. It contains more than 10 TB of climate data and dozens of analysis tools. It is part of...
  • Earthmap - Water Layers

    EarthMap is a tool for quick historical environmental and climate analysis based on Google Earth Engine and developed within FAO's Open Foris Initiative with the support of the...
  • Global Map of Irrigated Areas (GMIA)

    GMIA shows the amount of area equipped for irrigation around the year 2005 in percentage of the total area on a raster with a spatial resolution of 5 arc-minutes (about 10 km at...
  • Wetlands and Waterbodies

    This data set estimates large-scale wetland distributions and important wetland complexes, including areas of marsh, fen, peatland, and water.
  • Baseline Water Stress

    This dataset measures relative water demand. Higher values indicate more competition among users.
  • Urban Water Intakes

    Overview: This data set shows over 1,500 water intake locations from the first global survey of the water sources of over 500 large cities. The data set was created and...
  • Global Irrigated Area Mapping (GIAM)

    This site presents results of IWMI's first attempt to map global irrigated and rainfed croplands for the nominal year of 2000 using satellite images. The products include 10 km...
  • Freshwater Ecosystems Explorer (SDG 6.6.1)

    The Freshwater Ecosystems Explorer is a free and easy to use data platform providingnaccurate, up-to-date, high-resolution geospatial data depicting the extent freshwater...
  • Water Risk Filter

    The Water Risk Filter is a practical online tool that helps companies and investors assess and respond to water-related risks facing their operations and investments across the...
  • Global Lakes and Wetlands Database

    The Global Lakes and Wetlands Database (GLWD) includes the best available data sources and GIS functionality for global lakes and wetlands focused on three scales (1) large...
  • Earth Observations of Water Resources E-Book

    This e-book is a quick primer on earth observation of water resources and has been developed jointly by the World Bank and NASA. It provides a basic introduction to hydrologic...
  • Interactive Water Dashboard

    Interactive Water dashboard from the Climate Change Knowledge Portal
  • Aqueduct Tool

    Aqueduct’s tools map water risks such as floods, droughts, and stress, using open-source, peer reviewed data. Beyond the tools, the Aqueduct team works one-on-one with...